Today’s ride was uncomfortable. 90 miles of uncomfortable from Sanderson, TX to Comstock. It wasn’t windy and it was neither too hot nor too cold, but the road surface was our worst yet. That, combined with 18 wheelers passing at 75+ miles per hour every few minutes made it a harrowing day—and with my years of meditation mindfulness training that teaches you to find comfort in the discomfort I was completely unable to experience anything other than utter discomfort. As much as I’m the first to say it’s all about the journey and not the destination, the highlight of today’s ride was reaching our destination (and also a lovely lunch stop at a picnic site at which David barbecued the best chicken ever!). To be fair, there were beautiful red flowers in the fields and overall the scenery was lovely—it was just too hard to enjoy it and ride at the same time.

As I sit now in the comfort of our hotel I feel bad for not managing the day better and finding more peace in the discomfort, and then I’m reminded of the words of my yoga/meditation teacher when someone falls over in a pose or is unable to settle into a meditation: it’s a practice not a perfect—just try again. And so I will.
With love and gratitude,