• Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States and the world.

  • More lives are lost each year to lung cancer than to colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers combined.

  • The risk of dying from lung cancer is 82% greater than the risk of dying from breast cancer.

  • Anyone can get lung cancer, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or smoking history and increasingly people who have never smoked are being diagnosed with lung cancer. Only 35% of lung cancer patients are current or former smokers.

  • 1 in 16 people in the U.S. can expect to receive a lung cancer diagnosis. That’s 1 out of every 14 men, and 1 out of every 17 women.

  • The American Cancer Society estimates that about 228,820 new cases of lung cancer would be diagnosed in 2020.

  • Lung cancer is rarely detected early on. Only 19% of all people diagnosed with lung cancer will survive 5 years or more, BUT if it’s caught before it spreads, the chance for 5-year survival improves to 55%.

  • Lung cancer receives the least federal research funding per cancer-related death.

  • Only 6% of federal government dollars spent on cancer research are spent on lung cancer research.

  • Lung cancer research needs an investment that matches the impact of the disease.

  • Strategic investment in lung cancer research will ensure patients the same promise that is now available for breast, prostate, colorectal, and other cancers — earlier detection, more effective treatment options, higher quality of life, and thousands of lives saved.

Lung cancer mortality worldwide
Lung cancer mortality - USA

Slides from a presentation by Dr. Sam Hanash, MD Anderson Cancer Center. Click to enlarge.