David Crane

David Crane

Isabella’s partner for life, master ride planner and logistics coordinator, part time rider, part time driver, non stop supporter.

Jess Stevens

Jess Stevens

Jess Stevens is a long-time friend of Isabella’s who, as a fellow yoga teacher, embraces the wholistic healing potential of yoga and yoga therapy. She will be providing daily beginner-level mindfulness inspirations, practices and explorations for those riding, supporting and following through social media. Her role is basically to make the journey as stress free and joyful as possible!

Noah McCarthy

Noah McCarthy

Noah is an Ann Arbor, Michigan native and University of Michigan graduate coming fresh off a fellowship with Princeton in Asia.
He will now be managing social media outreach and engagements live from Isabella’s ride across America. He is thrilled by the opportunity to support Isabella and share her adventure in real time!

Sally Jacob

Sally Jacob

Sally Jacob is a Princeton classmate of Isabella’s and a communications professional dedicated to empowering people and improving lives through reciprocal connectivity, advocacy, support, and sharing of accurate and actionable information. She’s been volunteer extraordinaire on the marketing side of the ride!

Doug Malark

Doug Malark

Long time friend of Isabella and David, logistical wizard and provider extraordinaire of team vehicle and support.

Jan Deruiter

Jan Deruiter

Web guy (since before there was the web). Philadelphia public schools advocate and volunteer. Mountain biker. Dog lover/walker.