We biked 115 miles today, leaving the beautiful historic city of Charleston and cycling north along the Eastern Seaboard to the North Carolina border in Little River. The most striking aspect of the ride was how much history is rooted in this seaside corridor, so I’d like to share some of the more interesting facts. In 1776, Charleston was the site of the first major victory for the Americans in the Revolutionary war. In 1861, it was the site of the first shots of the Civil War. It is also home to America’s oldest golf club, founded in 1786, and so is considered the birthplace of American golf. Heading north out of Charleston you travel through Francis Marion National Forest, named for the South Carolina-born American Revolutionary War Hero Francis Marion, also known as the Swamp Fox. Marion was famous for fighting the British using “irregular methods” and is considered one of the fathers of modern guerrilla warfare. Continuing north, you come to Georgetown, the third oldest city in the United States and one of the wealthiest in colonial times due to its function as a port of entry for goods, and center for rice and indigo production. From Georgetown to the North Carolina border you find 60 miles of spectacular beach with Myrtle Beach being the most well-known. Myrtle Beach is where Sports Illustrated Magazine was launched and is the mini golf capital of the world. As I leave South Carolina, I want to recognize the state’s motto which is relevant to all, but particularly to people with lung cancer: “While I Breathe, I Hope”.