Please find our ride updates below.

Update Day 23: Learning to Love Vultures

Today was supposed to be a rest day but after looking at the weather forecast for the next week which calls for Noah’s Ark kind of rain we decided to bike today and rest tomorrow. The most noteworthy part of the day were the number of vultures devouring carrion along the route. We’ve seen these birds throughout Texas up close [...]

April 3rd, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 21: Finding Comfort in Cognitive Dissonance

While the road was flatter today I experienced my own personal emotional rollercoaster. I started the day on a super high with a zoom yoga meditation class lead by friend and mentor Denise Bonnaig but learned shortly thereafter that another dear friend with my kind of lung cancer passed away this morning. She is the third friend who has passed [...]

April 1st, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 19: Pictures and Self Care

A picture is worth a thousand words and so I will let the photos from today, the elevation map in particular, give you a sense of how difficult yet glorious today’s ride was and use my words to emphasize the importance of self care. Self care is any activity we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional and [...]

April 1st, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 18: Teamwork, Love and Support

I rode today with David and our friend Bob and it made what otherwise would have been a tough day relatively painless. We moved as a pack, with David blocking the wind, me drafting behind David and Bob pulling up the rear and tasked with the most important role—letting us know when the 18 wheelers were bearing down. We changed [...]

April 1st, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 17: It’s a Practice not a Perfect

Today’s ride was uncomfortable. 90 miles of uncomfortable from Sanderson, TX to Comstock. It wasn’t windy and it was neither too hot nor too cold, but the road surface was our worst yet. That, combined with 18 wheelers passing at 75+ miles per hour every few minutes made it a harrowing day—and with my years of meditation mindfulness training that [...]

April 1st, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 22: Laughter, Beauty and Gratitude

Happy April 1st!! I will share the funniest sign I passed today in hopes of putting a smile on your faces. We passed a church coming into Austin and the large sign in front said: Even Moses was once a basket case. It certainly made me laugh and filled me with hope ? The ride today was, once again, mainly [...]

April 1st, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 16: Focus, Meditation and Mindfulness

We rode 112 mikes today in a blustery and unpredictable wind. It required extreme focus for 7+ hours to maintain control of the bike and continue to move forward (as opposed to sideways!) I thought about the second part of my raising awareness mission—to share the meditation/mindfulness tools that have helped me so much over the past 10 years. Shout [...]

March 27th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 14: Cancer and Coronovirus

I spent the better part of yesterday’s rest day trying to sort out my upcoming cancer treatment given the coronovirus outbreak. My plan had been to fly back to NY from Austin for the required scans and treatment but it is clear that heading back to New York right now is not a good option for me and, fortunately, my [...]

March 24th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Rest Day: Back to My Roots

Today is a rest day in El Paso and I was blessed to have the opportunity to reconnect with a high school classmate, Florence Chamberlain. Florence and I attended the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, Louisiana many years ago. She brought our high school year book with her and we had a wonderful time flipping through the [...]

March 23rd, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 13: (Sunday) Chiles and Pecans

We rode today from Hatch, NM to El Paso, TX through the flood plains of the Rio Grand River. The most memorable aspect of the ride was the beautiful acres and acres of chile farms and pecan orchards—so chiles and pecans will be the focus of today’s blog. More fodder for home schoolers ? Hatch, a small village of about [...]

March 22nd, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 12: You Never Know What’s Around the Corner

I started the day by reducing my load—amongst other things, I threw out the newspapers I have been carrying around for the past two weeks in hopes of actually having the time to read them. It was clear from scanning the old headlines that catching up with pre-coronavirus news would be pointless now. The things I was worrying about when [...]

March 21st, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 11: Home Schooling and the Continental Divide

Today we climbed and climbed and climbed and finally crossed the largest of North America’s continental divides—The Great Divide. In an effort to assist all of you currently home schooling your children, today’s blog is a ready made geography lesson on continental divides and the divide that runs through both North America and South America. A continental divide is a [...]

March 20th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 9: The Power of Mother Nature

We biked a glorious 104 miles today— a true gift from Mother Nature. The wind was behind us, the sun was above us, the temperature brisk and we only had 3000 ft of climbing. While yesterday’s 75 miles felt like 500, today’s 104 felt like 50. Gotta respect Mother Nature!! We crossed into New Mexico today and didn’t see any [...]

March 19th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 8: Take Time to Smell the Roses

We biked 105 miles today with 6,329 ft of elevation gain. Exhausting. We could have had a 92 mile day with 1,000 ft less of elevation but opted to take the scenic road through the Arizona desert escorted by members of the Phoenix Bike Coalition. It was spectacularly beautiful and a definite reminder that it’s all about the journey—not the [...]

March 18th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 7: Rest Regroup and Adjust

Today was supposed to be an awareness spreading event day in Phoenix and in light of coronovirus the events were cancelled and we had time to regroup and reassess how we move forward from here. Following well-advised protocol to limit interactions we set up our signage at Tempe Beach Park with coffee, donuts and handouts detailing facts about lung cancer. [...]

March 17th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 6: Gratitude, Sadness and Reaffirmation

Today was a beautiful day. We biked from Wickenburg Arizona to Phoenix passing through magnificent desert in full bloom brought on by the rain that preceded us. America the beautiful at her best. I was filled with gratitude for being alive, for living in this great country of ours, for being healthy enough to bike and enjoy nature at its [...]

March 16th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 5: What Really Matters in Life

Day 5 was just a beautiful day in every way—yes the sun was shining and the wind not directly in our faces—but more importantly I felt the love and support of people near and far in every rotation of those pedals. On the “near” side, I’m traveling with a fabulous support team of family and friends. Adam from Velofix is [...]

March 15th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 3: Nothing Lasts Forever

Nothing lasts for ever—neither the good nor the bad —and today we experienced that lesson through a bizarre and diverse range of weather and scenery. The day started a bit like day 1—in the pouring rain. After a few hours the rain became a trickle and the wind gusty and barely manageable. The headwind made forward progress slow indeed even [...]

March 15th, 2020|Ride Updates|

Update Day 1-2: Be Careful What You Ask For

Team BikeBreatheBelieve left San Diego yesterday with high spirits in the pouring rain. We all wished for sun. Today we set out from Alpine with a very steep climb under a beaming sun. We wished for flat road. At mid day we were elated to find a flat road that soon became wind swept and quickly turned into a rough [...]

March 15th, 2020|Ride Updates|
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